Kubus Merah (KUME)


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Voucher Type



EASY & FREE Coupon Creation! ✅

Claim Promos with One Touch ✅

Promotion Period and Remaining Time ❌

Flexible with Coupon Customization ✅

Claim Promos with One Touch ✅

Promotion Period and Remaining Time

Voucher Deadline ❌

Store Location (QR Code) ❌

"Take Promo" button ❌

Easy to Share with People ✅

Enter the HUEHUY Application Ecosystem ✅

Chat feature with cube owners ✅

Voucher Deadline ✅

Store Location (QR Code) ✅

"Take Promo" button ✅

Easy to Share with People ✅

Enter the HUEHUY Application Ecosystem ❌

Chat feature with cube owners ✅

For business people, they can place their advertisements (cubes) in communities and in locations that suit their business targets. So even though it's not at your actual business location, you can look for potential customers in the community and in locations that you think are right on target. For example, you can place your ad at an expo or exhibition location that has lots of visitors.